SGH Warsaw School of Economics

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie (SGH)

Address: al. Niepodległości 162, Warsaw, 02-554, Poland






Researchers involved in the project:


Eliza Przeździecka

Associate Professor

Director of the Institute of International Economics

Personal website


Andżelika Kuźnar

Andżelika Kuźnar is an associate professor at the Institute of International Economics in SGH-Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests focus on international economics. She has written on the international trade in goods and services, global value chains, trade policy, Economy 4.0 and multinational corporations. These interests are reflected in her teaching, both in SGH and abroad. In 2018 the Polish Economic Society (PTE) awarded her with the Prof. Edward Lipiński Award for the book “Międzynarodowy handel produktami wiedzy” in recognition of bringing new value to the achievements of economics.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7042-4592

Recent publications in English:

Kuźnar A., New Tendencies in International Service Flows, [in:] .M. Kowalski, M.A. Weresa (eds.),  Poland.  Competitiveness Report 2020. Focus on Service Sector, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2020, p. 207-223.

Kuźnar A., Menkes J., EU-Japan agreements: Content, context and implications, Review Of European And Comparative Law, Vol. XXXIX, 2019, p. 7-57.

Przeździecka E., Górska R., Kuźnar A., Menkes J., The Effects of EU–Japan Economic Partnership Agreement for Poland’s Economy, “Ekonomista”, 2019/6, p. 701-733.

Kuźnar A., The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its impact on Global Economy, [in:] A. Kowalski, M. Weresa (eds.), Poland Competitiveness Report 2019. International Competitiveness in the Context of Development of Industry 4.0, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2019, p. 47-65.

Kuźnar A., The role of global value chains in deepening of economic linkages between Visegrad Group - presented at the 20th Annual European Trade Study Group (ETSG) conference in September 2018 in Warsaw.


Paweł Folfas

Associate Professor

Personal website